Friday, July 2, 2010

Buh Bye in Bluffton

Every so often, you meet a manager who knows how to take things to the next level--a guy or gal who appears to have no trouble at all setting and meeting only the highest of standards in the industry. This is the kind of manager small business owners dream about: a respectful and kind customer service representative, an adept and personable salesperson, a flawless communicator, and a splendid time manager--who can juggle it all with a smile on her face! Louise Barnholdt, long-time manager of our Bluffton store, is just such an individual. Throughout her years as a member of the Plantation family, Louise has become a poster child, if you will, for what excellence in our industry looks like.

For this reason--and so many others--we are quite sad to report that Louise will soon be leaving us. Unfortunately for us, her skills have been noticed by more than one person elsewhere in the self storage industry. And just like a scout watching a talented young quarterback at a spring scrimmage, another East Coast property management company has come come along and offered her a district manager position, worthy of her exceptional skills. While we will most certainly miss her (Who wouldn't?), we wish her nothing but the best as she steps into this challenging, new role.

In the meantime, we are quite fortunate to have a well-rounded staff of other, highly-capable self storage professionals who have kindly offered to step in and "mind the store" until our new manager arrives. Bud Wien, manager of our Hardscrabble Road facility in Columbia, brings years of property management experience and a no-nonsense attitude to doing whatever it takes to help our customers with their storage needs. Bill Trinemeyer, of our Myrtle Beach management team, is recognized throughout the industry for his creative, multi-faceted approach to marketing exceptional self storage facilities like ours. He also has a marvelous dry wit that could even make Oscar the Grouch grin! If you have a moment to stop in, they'd love to meet our loyal Bluffton customers. And if any of you would like to jot a quick note to Louise, we'll be sure to pass it along.
By Anne Youngblood, Assistant Manager
Plantation-Hardscrabble, Columbia