Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Get to know your Manager

When I asked Anne and Bud, the Dynamic Duo managing Plantation Storage on Hardscrabble Road in Columbia, to give me a little info about themselves, this is what I discovered:
Anne- "As a born-and-bred Southern girl, I like to think of myself as a “people person,” because I absolutely love getting to know my neighbors and finding out what’s going on in their lives. I also find great joy in helping people (which may explain why most of my professional life has been spent in the service of others). As a degreed journalist, I delighted in helping gather and disseminate information that my fellow citizens needed. As a teacher, I was often privileged to see the twinkle in a child’s eye when he or she finally grasped a difficult concept or completed a complex task. As an assistant manager here at Plantation, I take particular pride in helping all of our valued customers—no matter where they’ve come from or where they’re going. I enjoy meeting the challenge of coming up with a perfect match between their needs and my service—whether that means helping them find appropriate packing supplies to mail gifts, locating the right space to store their belongings while negotiating a housing change, or just listening to what’s on their minds.

I also revel in exploring our fair city while spending time with my husband and two teenage children. And when I have time to myself, I often turn to my favorite past times: writing, listening to music, working in the garden, floating down the river, or sewing. My personal philosophy is best summed by the great scientist and humanitarian, Albert Einstein, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

And here is what Mr. Bud Wien had to say: "I was born in Norristown, Pennsylvania in 1949 and yes that makes me 60. I lived in PA and New Jersey most of my life with a 3 year break in Missouri and 2 years in the Navy touring the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. I moved down to South Carolina in 2002 when First Union and Wachovia Merged I was a customer service representative for them. I met and married my wife after moving here and have been married going on 6 years. I have worked in property management for almost 20 years both in Class A office buildings and self storage. My favorite non work related activities include fishing, photography, and writing poetry. My favorite quote is from Abraham Lincoln “ It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.” My favorite movie was Star Trek II “The Wrath of Khan”. My favorite singer was Elvis. My favorite song is “Don’t Be Cruel”".

For any Hardscrabble customers who have not met Bud or Anne, please stop by sometime and say hi. Bud and Anne would love to put a face with a name and can assist you with any matter. Have a great day and sign up to follow our blog. This way you can stay on top of any special events were hosting or limited time offer customer discounts. Thank you for choosing Plantation Storage.

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