Friday, June 25, 2010

Plantation Storage welcomes
its new management duo


From the Sunshine State to the Palmetto State, Plantation Storage in Carolina Forest
welcomes the husband and wife management duo of Bill and Lisa Trinemeyer.Plantation Storage has been in the area for two years, and is well known for excellence. So far, the Trinemeyers are continuing that same path.Charles Chase, owner of Plantation Storage, says the facility won recognition as the new facility of the year in 2008 in Mini-Storage Messenger, a “fairly coveted award.” Having been in the selfstorage industry for the past four years, the Trinemeyers bring a sense of renewed management to the business said March Chase, director of
operations. “They are very competent.They came on board the end of April, and in that short time they have increased the facility’s occupancy by 10 percent which is pretty phenomenal. We feel extremely confident with a new facility coming along that they have the ability to fill that out for us as well and take it to the next level,” March Chase said. As far as personalities, the two managers have different styles but work together extremely well.“Bill is the marketing guru, he likes to get out and interact. Lisa has an accounting background. She is a very confident individual, and is very smart and quick,” March Chase said. It’s not hard to see why
Chase has such confidence in the Trinemeyers. Coming out of Orlando, Fla., Bill
Trinemeyer was named the marketing manager of the year at United Stor-All in
2008 and the facility manager for 2009. “It’s a service. You have to offer your customers better service than your competition. You have to know the community and be involved,” Bill Trinemeyer said. “We’re in Carolina Forest, this facility has to meet the same standards, and we bring quality customer service.” Since their move to the area, the Trinemeyers have made every effort to get involved with the community. They have been involved with the Carolina Forest Civic Association, the Myrtle
Beach Apartment Association as well as Old Coots on Scoots. “We want to let the communityknow who we are. We want people to feel like we are part of their neighborhood and not just a store on the road. We’ve helped at some of the local non-profit organizations. Even if they just need us to help move something, we’re there to offer our help,” Bill Trinemeyer said. Lisa Trinemeyer said thinks people in the Carolina Forest community are much friendlier and laid back than those in Florida. “People in Florida are very high strung and on-the-go. They [people in Carolina Forest]are friendly and will say ‘hello,’ and it’s a beautiful part of town. We have been very impressed,” Lisa Trinemeyer said. The Trinemeyers said they’ve become ambassadors to the area. “We do get a lot of people coming into the area that we’re the first person they call. We’re both military brats and have lived all over. It is nice when someone comes in from a town we’ve actually lived in,” Lisa Trinemeyer said. As well as being a storage unit, Plantation Storage is a
UPS shipping point. They also have a free move-in truck available, as well as a conference room with free wi-fi access. For more information about Plantation
Storage, visit or call 903-

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